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Do as I say…not as I do

Played in a circle. First person SAYS one thing he/she likes (“I like to jump up and down”), but DOES.

Dance and Freeze

The campers dance until the music stops then they freeze in a creative way. You can turn this into a.

Charades Tag

Make sure the students understand how to play charades. Do a couple of warm-up rounds so they get the idea.

Charades Down the Lane

This is a combination of Charades and Whisper Down the Lane (some people call it Telephone). Three people leave the.

Build a Story

To play, have children stand in a circle. The first player begins by saying the first line of a story..

Bop Bop

The players start sitting in a circle. The leader stands up and “bops” or dances around the inside of the.

Bag-o-Stuff Improv Skit

Divide the whole camp into groups of 8 or 10 campers (each with a counselor or two to supervise). Have.

Animal Dance Party

Start playing some funky music and get everyone dancing. Next, shout out an animal and watch as the kids try.

Whack a Balloon

Have campers stand in a line shoulder to shoulder, each holding a balloon. On the whistle each camper whacks the.

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