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Don’t Drop the Ball

Have the campers circle around the parachute and split each section of the parachute into teams. Place a soft ball.

Crazy Colors

You will need a lot of balls or objects that match the colors of the parachute. A large set of.

Club House

Have everyone pull the parachute up then everyone takes a step in and sits down on the edge inside. Then.

Closest to the Pin

Lay the parachute flat and have each camper roll a ball to the center. Closest to the center wins.

Chute Ball

Have everyone hold the parachute around the edge, like a firemen’s net with a beach ball in the middle. With.

Cat and the Mice

Choose several cats that are on top of parachute and several mice underneath. Those around edge shake parachute to make.

Balloon Float

While the players are holding onto the parachute, place several balloons on top of the parachute. Count to 3 and.


Wrap players in a parachute mushroom by raising the parachute to fill it up with air and closing to the.

When Nature Calls

Circle up players about shoulder-to-shoulder but with some personal space in between. One person in the middle closes his/her eyes.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on