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Blindfold Marco Polo Dodge Ball

Blindfold half of your staff and give them a dodge ball. Have them stand in the middle of the play.

Barrier Dodgeball

In this dodgeball variation, you will use a variety of barriers that players can hide behind. You can use cones, boxes, chairs,.

4 Way Dodgeball

Regular dodgeball rules apply. The court is separated into 4 equal parts with four different teams in each section.

2 Pin Dodgeball

Each team will have two pins near their back line that they need to protect. If the other team knocks.

Who is It

Have all the kids stand up. You secretly think of one. The kids then ask any Yes or No questions,.

Unfreeze a Friend

Have the whole group stand in a circle. Provide every student a bean bag and a chance to practice balancing.

Touch That

Tell the kids something to run to and touch — like something blue, a tree, someone’s elbow. Keep the touchables.

Tongue Twister Race

Find a list of tongue twisters. Have campers sit in a circle, pass a tongue twister around and have each.

Toe Fencing

A pair faces each other, holding hands. They then try to tap each others toes, while simultaneously trying to avoid.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on