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Pass It

Campers sit in a circle and pass the ball around as fast as they can. The announcer then calls out.

Over, Under, Through

Everyone lines up with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. As they go around.

Marching Band

Each buddy paid chooses a different instrument to play. The group then gets in a line and marches with everyone.

In and Around

Students stand in a circle holding hands. Once person stands in the middle. The person in the middle calls another.

Human Word Search

Give each camper a paper with a letter on it. Challenge them to find other campers to make a word.

Human Chair

Stand together in a close line with hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. On the.

Hop and Break

Start with everyone hopping around the room. When the announcer says “Break” and then a number, the campers have to.

Hold that Pose

One person starts as “it” and calls freeze for everyone to stop and act like statues. The person who is.

Height Order

Campers work together to line up in a long line by height.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on