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Crab Soccer

Play in one large rectangular playing area, preferably in a gym with marked goals. Divide students into 2 teams, with.

Air Soccer

Two very wide goals are placed in the room – one for each team (you can just use a designated.

Ultimate Kickball

This game can be played on a regular kickball field or by using 4 cones for bases in a large.

Over-Under Kickball

Set up cones as bases on a traditional kickball field. This game can played with all four bases or two.

Mountain Ball

This game can be played using home base and second base on a regular kickball field or by using 2.

Kindergarten Kickball

Divide players into 2 teams, kickers and outfielders and place cones all along the baselines in the infield. Coach is.

Crazy Kickball

On a traditional kickball field, place a large container that can hold many balls at the pitcher’s mound, a hula.

Backwards Kickball

This is a lot like normal kickball with a bunch of backwards twists. All the bases are backwards. Run to.


A 4-Square Court (10’ x 10’). One student is in each square and the other students wait in line. Start.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on