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All Tangled Up

Divide the students into small groups of up to twelve people and have them form a tight circle. The students.

All Aboard

Begin by getting everyone to stand on a tarp. Challenge them to turn the tarp over without anyone touching the.

Action Syllables

With the group standing in a circle, have the participants each choose an action for every syllable of their name..


This game is a gym-version of the pool game “sharks and minnows.” Using a basketball court or marking your own,.

Treasure Hunt Dodgeball

Build an obstacle course using large gym mats, positioned so that players can hide behind them. Mark off a starting.

Teacher Peg

Counselors are the throwers and set up in the middle. 5 hula hoops are placed on the ground at the.


Players are spread out on perimeter of gym. Balls are spread out on the interior. At signal, players move forward,.

Squish Ball

A twist on dodge ball. Have campers form a large circle. In the center place approximately 10 dodgeballs per 25-30.

Sprout Ball

Set up a large play area with clear boundaries appropriate for number of players. The “dodgers” will make a line.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on