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Silent Order

Everyone is assigned a number and has to line up in that order without talking.

Shrinking Iceberg

Place squares on the ground to form a large iceberg and have all the campers stand on it. Slowly start.

Shape Shifters

The leader calls out a number and an object. Campers quickly get into groups of that number and arrange their.

Question Toss

Everyone writes a general question on a piece of paper, signs it, and crumples it up into a ball, and.


Everyone slowly walks around the room. Once everyone has spread out, the announcer calls out a number and an object..

Pass It

Campers sit in a circle and pass the ball around as fast as they can. The announcer then calls out.

Over, Under, Through

Everyone lines up with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. As they go around.

Marching Band

Each buddy paid chooses a different instrument to play. The group then gets in a line and marches with everyone.

In and Around

Students stand in a circle holding hands. Once person stands in the middle. The person in the middle calls another.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on