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Booty Ball

Set up a rectangular area divided into 2 squares, each large enough for half of the group to comfortably sit.

Blind Balloon Volleyball

Teams of four or more people line up in volleyball formation. A blanket is placed over the net so the.

Beach Ball Volleyball

Volleyball played with lighter beach ball. This can be an excellent indoor game for large groups in a large room,.

All on One Side

Your whole team starts on one side of a volleyball net with no one on the other side. The object.

4-Square Volleyball

Use a painted 4-square or divide a large square into four sections. Play begins with one student serving from his/her.

World Cup Soccer

Break group into even teams. Number of teams depends on total number of students (usually 4-5 per team) multi-colored pinnies.

Wide Goal Soccer

Prepare one large rectangular playing area, preferably on grass (30’x 90’) with marked end zones. Review the soccer concepts that.

Steal the Bacon – Soccer Style

Set up a large rectangular area and note the boundary lines. Place cones at opposite ends of field to create.

Three Team Soccer

Each team has its own goal to defend, and loses a point every time a ball goes into their goal.

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