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Photo Scavenger Hunt

Send your kids out on a photo scavenger hunt. Each camp group should have a camera and a list of.

Parachute Drop

Use paper or cloth with some string to create a parachute with an item like a ball of clay as.

Paper Plate Flyers

Each camper needs 3 paper plates, the thinner kind with the ridges around the perimeter that are generally sold in.

Paper Airplane Races

Use construction paper and have all the campers make their favorite type of paper airplane. Decorate them with markers and.

Oil Spill

Why not try an activity that will connect back to real issues? In this activity, you simply mix oil and.

Math Bingo

Bingo is a versatile game that can also be adapted to math lessons. Start by writing down 25 math problems..

Marble Maze

Use straws glued to a paper plate to make a maze. Then take a small marble and have the kids.

Make Your Own Ice Cream

Supplies: What to Do:

Longest Paper Chain

Do this one in pairs. Give each pair of campers a single piece of paper. They then cut the paper.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on