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Cut the Cake

Gather group into a circle holding hands. This circle is the Cake. Demonstrate the safe way to Cut the Cake..


Have everyone sit in a circle with you in the center. You can either sit in chairs, or have place.


One player begins the game by saying, “I am thinking of something in the room that rhymes with ‘fair'” the.

Clean Your Room

Divide the classroom in half, (can use desks as the divider) and the students into 2 groups. Get a large.

Circle Ball

All campers sit in a circle with an upside down Frisbee or spot marker in the middle. Use a soft.

Catch, Don’t Catch

One camper goes into the middle of the circle with a ball. They go around the circle saying catch or.

Button, Button

One person sits in the middle of a circle of children. A button is passed around behind the backs of.

Bicycle Race

The children stand in the aisle between two rows of desks. Alternate rows perform at a time. Children place one.

Blind Shoe Grab

Arrange chairs in a circle. All of the Cinderella’s (girls) in the group select a chair. The Prince Charming’s (boys).

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