Balloon Games

Ankle Balloon Pop

Ankle Balloon Pop

Give everyone a balloon and a piece of string or yarn. Have them blow up the balloon and tie it.

Balloon and Spoon Race

Balloon and Spoon Race

Great game for two or more kids and ideal for outdoors, this game is much like the traditional egg and.

Balloon Balance

Balloon Balance

For this game kids try to see how long they can balance a balloon on their fingertip or foot. Add.

Balloon Baseball

Balloon Baseball

Players are divided into two teams. Each team designates a pitcher who pitches to his own team. Each batter gets.

Balloon Battle

Balloon Battle

Inflate balloons and tie on a string for each team member. Each player ties the other end of the string.

Balloon Bounce

Balloon Bounce

For this game you need one balloon and at least 3 players. Give each player a number from 1 to.

Balloon Catapult

Balloon Catapult

Divide the group into equal teams. Partially fill the balloon with water and give each team a balloon. The team.

Balloon Dart Board

Balloon Dart Board

This is the game you see at carnivals. Attach as many balloons you can to a piece of plywood and.

Balloon Float

Balloon Float

For this game you will need a large kids parachute. While the players are holding onto the parachute, place several.

Balloon Float

Balloon Float

While the players are holding onto the parachute, place several balloons on top of the parachute. Count to 3 and.

Balloon Football

Balloon Football

Form two lines facing each other 4 to 6 feet apart. The class is divided into two teams. Players sit.

Balloon HORSE

Balloon HORSE

Play Balloon HORSE just like you’d play the basketball game HORSE. Create a basket by using a bucket or waste.

Balloon Hot Potato

Balloon Hot Potato

Same as regular hot potato but with a balloon. Have all kids seated in a circle. When the music starts.

Balloon Master

Balloon Master

This game is a relay played on grass. Have everyone blow up a balloon and tie a short string to.

Balloon Name Game

Balloon Name Game

Have everyone put one piece of information about them in a balloon, then blow up the balloon and throw the.

Balloon Painting

Balloon Painting

Give each camper a balloon. Blow it up and let them paint it to see all the great things they.

Balloon People

Balloon People

This is the perfect indoor game for rainy days, mixing balloons and creativity. Have a variety of balloon colors, some.

Balloon Pop Relay

Balloon Pop Relay

Each team member is given a balloon. One at a time, they race up to a chair, then sit on.

Balloon Pop Relay

Balloon Pop Relay

This is the age old relay where they line up, run to a chair across the room, blow up a.

Balloon Power

Balloon Power

 Add a bit of science to balloon play, introducing kids to some basic motion activities. Great for solo play and.

Balloon Round Up

Balloon Round Up

Use the string to mark the area where the balloons have to be. You can create a square or a.

Balloon Snake Races

Balloon Snake Races

Divide into two teams and line up. Blow up enough balloons to put one in between pairs of students (with.

Balloon Tennis

Balloon Tennis

Using paper plates and paddle pop sticks, create tennis racquets. Clear a large space, free of tripping hazards or breakables..

Balloon Tower

Balloon Tower

Have teams (generally 4-6 people) build the tallest free-standing (only touching the floor) balloon tower with only masking tape and.

Balloon Volleyball

Balloon Volleyball

Play this game much like you played balloon tennis but don’t use the rackets. Kids will hit a balloon back.

Balloon Waddle Races

Balloon Waddle Races

An outdoor game for two or more participants. Have campers start at the starting line, place a balloon between their.

Blanket Balloon Toss

Blanket Balloon Toss

All players should be standing around the blanket holding an edge. The leader of the game (not holding blanket) will.

Burst the Balloon

Burst the Balloon

The balloons are blown up and scattered on the floor. Players stand in scatter formation. On “GO”, the object is.



Divide group into equally numbered teams. You can play this with two teams or two hundred teams, it makes no.

Catch the Balloon

Catch the Balloon

Stand in the center and have the kids stand around you. Pick one balloon, toss it into the air and.

Elves Defense

Elves Defense

Form two teams of elves. Each team must defend its treasure (balloons) while attempting to steal or destroy the other.

Keep it Up

Keep it Up

This game can be individual or team. See how long each can keep the balloon in the air without holding.

One at a Time

One at a Time

For this game, put children into groups of 2 to 4, with a single balloon per group. The object is.

Partner Balloon Dash

Partner Balloon Dash

Two partners have to stand back to back and place a balloon between their shoulders and then put their hands.

Pass the Balloon

Pass the Balloon

If you have at least ten children, split them into even groups and have them stand in parallel lines, each.

Pass the Parcel

Pass the Parcel

Wrap a medium-sized balloon in layers of gift wrap or tissue paper with lots of tape and pass it around.

Run the Gauntlet

Run the Gauntlet

Split into two teams. Team 1 is given rolled up newspapers, and they are lined up in two single file.

Surprise Pop

Surprise Pop

Blow up lots of balloons, filling some with treats such as candy, trinkets, notes and toys. Let the kids work.

Water Balloon Bottle Race

Water Balloon Bottle Race

Teams are formed and line up the distance of the course. A bucket of balloons are at one end of.

Water Balloon Hot Potato

Water Balloon Hot Potato

Played just like Hot Potato! Campers get in a circle and start passing the water balloon around when the music.

Water Balloon Pass

Water Balloon Pass

This is similar to hot potato but campers are in a line. Give directions on how they need to pass.

Water Balloon Step Back

Water Balloon Step Back

You will need one water balloon per pair. Pairs placed in two parallel lines across from their partner. Partners toss.

Whack a Balloon

Whack a Balloon

Have campers stand in a line shoulder to shoulder, each holding a balloon. On the whistle each camper whacks the.


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