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This game is a mixture of everyone’s-it-tag, octopus and dodgeball. The kids will love it as it is extremely high.

Catch One…Catch All

The game is generally played in a large field with at least 10 participants. One person in the group is.

Cat and Mice

Allow four students to place a foot in each hula hoop. This will be their mouse hole. Call out “Mice.

Bumper Tag

Just like regular tag but instead of tagging with your hands, you must tag with your hips. Be sure to.

Bronco Tag

Have the group get into pairs and lock elbows. There is one person that is it and another to be.

Blob Tag

Chose someone as “it”. It starts the game as regular tag, but when he catches someone, they must join hands.

Blind Tag

This game was played in a dark room with no lights on so it seems like the person who was.

Blind Man’s Bluff

Blindfold one player and spin them around 3 times. The blindfolded player tries to tag one of the other players,.

Band Aid Tag

Ask for a volunteer to be “it”. If a student is tagged, s/he must take one hand and put it.

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