Kitty Wants A Corner
Before you start the game, one person must be dubbed the kitty. Once you have your kitty, everyone but him/her.
Before you start the game, one person must be dubbed the kitty. Once you have your kitty, everyone but him/her.
Divide the group into two teams (each team should have at least 4 or 5). Have the groups sit crossed.
Form 3 teams (or more for larger groups). Campers give their group a name and select a leader. Cards are.
Set up a small area with clearly marked boundaries or classroom. Use beanbags or ping pong balls for insects and.
Everyone sits in a circle. The first person says “One frog”. The next person says “2 eyes”, the third person.
Have the group form a circle. Hand a ball out to two people on opposite sides of the circle. Designate.
Divide the students into different groups of animals, i.e. horse, sheep, pig, etc. Choose students to be Farmers in the.
Form two lines (teams) of students, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with at least one arm’s length between them. One team is standing.
Have students stand spread out in an area. Randomly choose a leader. The leader will stand in front of the.
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