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How Long is a Minute?

A quick time filler, ideal to calm a group down. Tell the campers that you are going to time a.

House, Tree, Neighbor

Form players into a circle. The leader of the game will stand in the middle of the circle. At each.

Hot Pepper

Players stand in a circle. Leader stands in the center with the hot pepper (playground ball, volleyball, etc.). Leader throws.

Hook It Up

Everyone makes a circle, facing inward and couples up with the person next to them by hooking arms. One person.

Heads-Up, 7-Up

Seven students are taggers. They stand in front of the room and say, “Heads down, thumbs up!” and the rest.


Choose someone to be it and divide the group into 2 parallel lines. The person who is it has to.

Guess Who

It is like the board game guess who. You divide the group into two teams sitting in neatly set up.

Fruit Salad

Campers sit on chairs in a circle, with one in the middle. Everyone is labeled with three different types of.

Fruit Basket

Each person chooses a fruit or vegetable (with no repeats!). One person is in the center, without a fruit or.

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