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Knight Horse Cavalier

Have the kid’s pair up. The partners split off to opposite sides of the playing area. One side forms a.

Kick the Stick

Campers are divided into two teams. Two sticks need to be found and they should be of equal length and.

Kick the Can

Start with a tin can is set up in a circle near a designated “jail”. Choose one or a few.


Everybody sits in a chair but one person. The chairs are scattered all over the room. The person standing has.

Joey Roundup

Designate a large rectangular play area with clear boundaries with a small square inside the middle of the rectangle. Split.

Jail Break

Two teams (sometimes played leaders against students). The leaders try to catch the students and put them in prison. Set.

Iron Campers

This activity is similar to “Iron Chef America” but instead of a set amount of edible ingredients, campers receive a.

Indoor Treasure Hunt

Counselors hide a treasure. Team up students in small groups (such as four groups of five) and pass out cards.

Indoor Marco Polo

Choose one student to be ‘it’ and another student to be his/her guide. Have the rest of students spread out.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on