A 4-Square Court (10’ x 10’). One student is in each square and the other students wait in line. Start by demonstrating diagonal 2-square with a student (Square A/1 hitting to Square C/3). Review key 2-Square rules. Review spiking and tell students that it is not allowed. Review the importance of staying in own square when student is still in the game, going to the back of the line outside of the playing area when out, and entering the game from the outside of the playing area. Play begins when the student in Square A serves the ball to the student in Square C, and Square B serves to Square D. The ball must bounce and can only bounce once in the diagonally opposite square. The receiving student hits and returns the ball back to the respective server. The student who stopped the play goes to the end of the waiting line outside of the playing area, and the next student enters that square, avoiding the playing area. When play is stopped for one pair, play continues and does not stop for the other pair. The student who stays in the playing area remains in his/her square and does not rotate. Students who remain in the playing area will serve the ball to the new player. During game play, if both balls hit each other, then play is stopped and all four players in the playing area will need to return to the waiting line. The next four students in the waiting line advance to the playing area starting at Square A.