Animal Themed Games

Alligator Swamp Trail

Alligator Swamp Trail

Use existing lines in the gym, on the yard or create them using jump ropes. Make sure all students understand.

Animal Clue

Animal Clue

Stick a piece of paper naming an animal (or other category) on each participant’s forehead or back, in a way.

Animal Dance Party

Animal Dance Party

Start playing some funky music and get everyone dancing. Next, shout out an animal and watch as the kids try.

Animal Farm

Animal Farm

Get students into a circle and have them count off from one to five. Assign an animal for each of.

Animal Relay

Animal Relay

The players form two lines with equal numbers on each team. The first player on each team is one animal,.

Animal Sounds Game

Animal Sounds Game

Prior to the game you will need to write names of animals on pieces of paper that make a noise..

Animal Walks

Animal Walks

Use your imaginations to come up with different types of animal walks! Imitate bears walking, or run fast like a.

Animal Yoga

Animal Yoga

Each leader can call out an animal or have campers draw an animal on an index card. Then have them.



Each camper chooses their own animal, then performs that animal’s movements for the rest of the activity without sharing the.

Animals Move

Animals Move

The player who is it stands at the front of the room and calls out the name of mammal, bird,.

Barnyard Animals

Barnyard Animals

Give everyone a slip of paper, which identifies them as a certain animal. Turn out the lights (maybe), then have.

Beat the Bunny

Beat the Bunny

Sit campers in a circle. The bunny (small ball) is started first and is passed from person to person around.

Birds Have Feathers

Birds Have Feathers

Similar to Simon Says…One player is leader. Leader and all the others flap their arms like birds. Leader calls out.

Blind Cow

Blind Cow

All players sit in a circle facing the center. One person is blindfolded and is the “Blind Cow.” The “blind.

Bob the Bunny

Bob the Bunny

This is a variation of Bob the Weasel above. Gather group of students in a circle. Have students place their.

Bob The Weasel

Bob The Weasel

All campers stand in a circle with one person in the middle who starts with their eyes closed while the.

British Bulldog

British Bulldog

Line a group of kids up on one side of a field. Pick one person to be the British Bulldog..

Bullfrog Game

Bullfrog Game

Circle the students, with their hands outstretched to the side with their palms facing up. The right hand should be.

Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse

Everyone but two people forms a circle standing far enough away from each other so that a person can safely.

Chicken Picks

Chicken Picks

Players sit in a circle and one player goes into the middle. A topic is chosen and the rubber chicken.

Circle Animals

Circle Animals

All students begin in a circle, with one student chosen to be in the center of the circle. The student.

Create an Animal

Create an Animal

Let campers get creative by creating and drawing a new animal and then have them share with the class.

Crows & Cranes

Crows & Cranes

Divide the children into two equal teams. Have teams face each other across from a center line. Assign one side.

Dead Fish

Dead Fish

What do Dead Fish do? Exactly… nothing! Explain that the rules are to be the best Dead Fish by being.

Dead Horse

Dead Horse

Somebody lies down and closes their eyes, while everyone else gathers around them. The one lying down must keep their.

Deer, Deer, Deer

Deer, Deer, Deer

Divide the class into four groups. Group one should go to the left side of the room facing the wall.

Dog Chases Its Tail

Dog Chases Its Tail

Have players line up holding each other around the waist. Remind students not to run, only speed walk. Have the.

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose

Gather the students in a circle, sitting down. One student is chosen as the fox who walks around the group,.

Ducks and Cows

Ducks and Cows

This is a great way to divide a large group into two smaller groups. Players close their eyes while one.

Ducks Fly

Ducks Fly

Have students stand spread out in an area. Randomly choose a leader. The leader will stand in front of the.

Eagle and the Mouse

Eagle and the Mouse

Form two lines (teams) of students, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with at least one arm’s length between them. One team is standing.



Divide the students into different groups of animals, i.e. horse, sheep, pig, etc. Choose students to be Farmers in the.

Fox and the Rabbit

Fox and the Rabbit

Have the group form a circle. Hand a ball out to two people on opposite sides of the circle. Designate.



Everyone sits in a circle. The first person says “One frog”. The next person says “2 eyes”, the third person.

Frog Catcher

Frog Catcher

Set up a small area with clearly marked boundaries or classroom. Use beanbags or ping pong balls for insects and.

Go Fish!

Go Fish!

Form 3 teams (or more for larger groups). Campers give their group a name and select a leader. Cards are.

Grab the Pig

Grab the Pig

Divide the group into two teams (each team should have at least 4 or 5). Have the groups sit crossed.

Hound and Hunter

Hound and Hunter

Prior to the game, secretly place a bunch of objects (wrapped candy is good) around the room or the field..

Kitty Wants A Corner

Kitty Wants A Corner

Before you start the game, one person must be dubbed the kitty. Once you have your kitty, everyone but him/her.

Leap Frog

Leap Frog

Set up 2 single-file lines. Space children out so there is enough room for the leap frog to land in.

Lions Cub

Lions Cub

Select a person to be the Lion, have the lion sit with their backs to the other players at least.



Everyone is given a number from 1 to however many kids you have. And, you can also, split these people.

Mouse Trap

Mouse Trap

Choose 6 students to make a “trap” by making a circle holding hands. One child is a “cat” with his.

Mr. Fox

Mr. Fox

The object of the game is to avoid being tagged by Mr. Fox. The children will start at the beginning.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Get a rubber chicken, stuffed animal, ball or other small, throw-able object. Set up a visible starting line marked by.

Sleepy Bunny

Sleepy Bunny

This game can be played outside, in a gym or in a classroom. Create boundaries for the play space. Remind.

Snake in the Grass

Snake in the Grass

Divide students into small groups. Each group gets one jump rope. Two students are turners, everyone else jumps. The two.

Snake Wall, Fire Wall

Snake Wall, Fire Wall

This Game is done best inside of a gym or room with enough running space and walls. Assign 2 walls;.

Snake’s Tail

Snake’s Tail

The group will line up single file and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of.

The Bone

The Bone

Form a circle with students sitting down. Pick one child to be the dog. The dog sits in the center.

When Nature Calls

When Nature Calls

Circle up players about shoulder-to-shoulder but with some personal space in between. One person in the middle closes his/her eyes.

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Pick 4 students to be the “dogs.” Give each dog a cone and ask them to spread out and place.



Have all campers pick an animal. When you start the music, all students will walk or run within the area.


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