Sprout Ball

Set up a large play area with clear boundaries appropriate for number of players. The “dodgers” will make a line on one of the boundary lines. The object of the game is to avoid being hit with the ball from the waist down. Students have 5 seconds to spread out inside the play area. The leader throws the ball in the air. Students must wait for the ball to bounce 3 times before they can grab the ball. Once a camper has the ball they may take no more 3 steps with the ball before they throw, or pass. If a student has been hit, below the waist, or tries to catch the throw and drops it, they must sit down exactly where they were hit. If a student’s throw is caught, the thrower must sit. If a student with the ball has taken their three steps and another student is sitting, the student with the ball may pass to the sitting student. After the student makes a pass they can move, as many steps as they want, to a new location and wait to receive a pass back from the sitting student. When the student gets the ball back they make take three more steps and throw or pass. A student (A), who has been hit, may not stand up and continue playing until the student (B), who hit student (A), is hit. If student (B) has hit multiple students and then is hit him/herself, all the students hit by student (B) can stand up and play again. Play continues until there is only one student left standing. In the event that the ball goes out of bounds, one student will retrieve the ball and begin by taking three steps as soon as they step back in bounds with the ball.


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