Form a circle, standing on Polyspots preferably, or use chairs (but be careful, as people have been known to fall backwards this way). In the center of the circle, place a cut in half pool noodle on top of the Polyspot. Choose someone from the circle to start. Chosen one picks up the noodle and walks slyly around the circle. Chosen picks another person to swat at (pick a safe area that is legal to swat). Chosen then must place the noodle back on the Polyspot and get back to their spot before the Swatted picks up the noodle and swats back. If Chosen is swatted before making it back to their spot, they remain “IT”. If Swatted misses or does not swat back in time, they become “IT” If Chosen fails to place noodle correctly on the Polyspot, and it falls off, Swatted has two choices, they may either pick it up and swat back, or let it lie, in which case the Chosen must take another attempt to place it on the spot and return to their spot before being swatted.