A Day in the Life
Each buddy group needs to find a random camp object in the room then write a story on the daily.
FavoriteEach buddy group needs to find a random camp object in the room then write a story on the daily.
FavoriteStudents take turns introducing themselves using a descriptive action word placed before their first name (Ex. Leaping Larry).
FavoriteOne buddy starts by drawing on a piece of paper. When they lift their pencil off the paper they have.
FavoriteCampers sit in a circle with one person standing in the center. The person in the middle says something about.
FavoriteSit with your back against your buddy’s back and try to stand up without using your hands.
FavoriteGo back to back with your buddy with a ball in between and see if you can make it across.
FavoriteWrite the ABC’s backwards on a piece of paper, alternating each letter with your buddy. Time each group to see.
FavoriteSit across from your buddy and blow crumpled paper back and forth. Can also use cotton balls, ping pong balls,.
FavoriteUsing only one hand, try to tie a ribbon around your buddy and then switch turns.
FavoriteHelp your new buddy get to know someone by introducing them to another buddy group that you already know and.
FavoriteWalk your buddy down an imaginary trail that has a lot of imaginary obstacles that you have to help each.
FavoriteCampers work together to make a group/team banner to hang up at camp for that week or session.
FavoriteThe announcer calls out a category like favorite color, favorite food, etc. Everyone goes around the room to say their.
FavoriteAll campers sit in a circle. One person starts by creating a beat using their body. Then the next camper.
FavoriteEveryone stands in a circle and joins hands with a hoola hoop placed over the arm of one person. The.
FavoriteOne person starts as the leader and creates a clap, slap, snap pattern for the whole group to follow. Switch.
FavoritePut all campers’ names on separate pieces of paper and put them in a can or bucket. Pass it around.
FavoriteIn a large circle, one person begins lifting their hands into the air and bringing them back down. This is.
FavoriteDraw a picture with your buddy that is taped to the underside of a table. You can also do this.
FavoriteThis is the same as Duck, Duck, Goose, except the person that is it can pick any animal and the.
FavoriteThe leader picks a category. The first person names something in the category. The next person has to name something.
FavoriteForm one line with your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. Everyone follows the leader.
FavoriteDance around the room and when the music stops FREEZE. Each buddy group should stay together during the activity, don’t.
FavoriteSecretly make someone “It” by drawing cards or something alike. Then have everyone start roaming the room without knowing who.
FavoriteWith a large piece of banner paper have your buddy lay down so you can trace them and then color.
FavoriteCampers sit in a circle. One person starts with a ball of yarn, holds on to the end and rolls/tosses.
FavoriteCampers sit in seats in a circle with one in the middle that is not in a seat. Pick 4.
FavoriteEveryone takes turns rolling or throwing a ball to each other and then asking a Get to Know You question.
FavoriteThe first person to get the ball picks the category (sports, movies, celebrities, etc.). When they throw to the next.
FavoriteOne person starts as “it” and calls freeze for everyone to stop and act like statues. The person who is.
FavoriteMake up a silly handshake with your buddy. Have everyone show camp their handshakes and give a prize to the.
FavoriteStart with everyone hopping around the room. When the announcer says “Break” and then a number, the campers have to.
FavoriteWork with your buddy to name as many desserts as you can. Switch it up and do this with any.
FavoriteStand together in a close line with hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. On the.
FavoriteGive each camper a paper with a letter on it. Challenge them to find other campers to make a word.
FavoriteStudents stand in a circle holding hands. Once person stands in the middle. The person in the middle calls another.
FavoriteToss a balloon back and forth and see how long you can keep it up off the ground.
FavoriteUse two pieces of large paper as lily pads. Cross the room while stepping on only one lily pad at.
FavoriteTry not to laugh as long as possible while your buddy stares and makes silly faces at you.
FavoriteEach buddy paid chooses a different instrument to play. The group then gets in a line and marches with everyone.
FavoriteFace your buddy and jog, dance, or clap quickly while your buddy does the same thing slowly and then switch.
FavoriteExplore the outdoors with a nature walk with your buddy. Send the campers out in pairs for a quick walk.
FavoriteEveryone lines up with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. As they go around.
FavoriteUse a crumpled piece of paper to flick into goals between you and your buddy. Take turns flicking and keep.
FavoriteGuess which hand has the penny or small object then switch turns. Keep score if you want to on how.
FavoriteDuring snack or lunch time have buddies plan a picnic with each other and other buddy groups.
FavoriteChoose a classroom object with your buddy and write a short poem or rhyme about it.
FavoriteWork with your buddy to build a paper airplane with only one hand each. Add other objects for them to.
FavoriteEveryone writes a general question on a piece of paper, signs it, and crumples it up into a ball, and.
FavoriteCounselors give the group a word. Each buddy group has to come up with a list of words that rhyme.
FavoriteGather several objects from around the room. Spread out and roll them back and forth to each other.
FavoriteThe leader calls out a number and an object. Campers quickly get into groups of that number and arrange their.
FavoritePlace squares on the ground to form a large iceberg and have all the campers stand on it. Slowly start.
FavoriteEveryone is assigned a number and has to line up in that order without talking.
FavoriteWrite a silly story with your buddy. Have each group read their stories to camp after.
FavoriteDescribe a special place or object to your buddy. Your buddy has to draw it based on your descriptions. Don’t.
FavoriteStudents stand in a line with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The person.
FavoriteFind two objects with your buddy then write a story that incorporates both of them.
FavoriteTry to cross the room with your buddy while keeping your feet, shoulders or elbows together at all times. Once.
FavoriteOne camper starts by saying “I went to the supermarket and bought____” Then the next campers says it and repeats.
FavoriteTake turns with your buddy telling each other about your day/week without showing any teeth.
FavoritePlay freeze dance with a lot of energy and as the music gets louder the movements get faster, as the.
FavoriteTake turns naming an animal and then pretending to be that animal while walking around the room.
FavoriteStudents stand in two lines face to face. Campers then put out their index fingers to the tip of the.
FavoriteCounselor pick a word for the group. Each buddy team then has to think of as many words as possible.
FavoriteSit with your buddy along with 5-10 small items. One buddy closes their eyes while the other buddy removes an.
FavoriteEach person is secretly assigned an occupation (each one is assigned twice). They then spread out and start acting out.
FavoriteDescribe and draw curved, straight, zig zag, etc. lines on a white board or piece of paper and then have.
FavoriteEach buddy group needs to find a random camp object in the room. They then have to think of as.
FavoriteHold your buddy’s feet while he/she walks with their hands. You can turn this into a wheelbarrow race or relay.
FavoriteEveryone is randomly assigned an animal (at least 2 campers should be assigned the same animal). Everyone spread out and.
FavoriteOne person is “it” and leaves the room or closes eyes. One person is selected as the leader and leads.
FavoriteStart by writing down a letter and then your buddy writes down a letter to make a word. As you.
FavoriteAll campers sit in a circle. The leader calls out a month. All campers with a birthday in that month.
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