Charades, Skits, and Music Games

Animal Dance Party

Animal Dance Party

Start playing some funky music and get everyone dancing. Next, shout out an animal and watch as the kids try.

Bag-o-Stuff Improv Skit

Bag-o-Stuff Improv Skit

Divide the whole camp into groups of 8 or 10 campers (each with a counselor or two to supervise). Have.

Bop Bop

Bop Bop

The players start sitting in a circle. The leader stands up and “bops” or dances around the inside of the.

Build a Story

Build a Story

To play, have children stand in a circle. The first player begins by saying the first line of a story..

Charades Down the Lane

Charades Down the Lane

This is a combination of Charades and Whisper Down the Lane (some people call it Telephone). Three people leave the.

Charades Relay

Charades Relay

Divide group into 2 or more teams. Have everyone spread out so that they cannot overhear the surrounding teams. Review.

Charades Tag

Charades Tag

Make sure the students understand how to play charades. Do a couple of warm-up rounds so they get the idea.

Dance and Freeze

Dance and Freeze

The campers dance until the music stops then they freeze in a creative way. You can turn this into a.

Do as I say…not as I do

Do as I say…not as I do

Played in a circle. First person SAYS one thing he/she likes (“I like to jump up and down”), but DOES.

Do This Do That

Do This Do That

One child is the leader and performs various movements, accompanied by commands of “Do this” or “Do that”. All players.



This is a simple game that tests kid’s ability to think fast. Divide into teams. Yell out a word that.

Hand Puppets

Hand Puppets

This is cool and kids can get really creative here. Use nonpermanent colored ink pens for this fun activity. Have.

Human Sculptures Game

Human Sculptures Game

The facilitator should announce a category (e.g. famous movies or famous songs — the more specific the better). All players.

Journey Around the World

Journey Around the World

Choose one student to pick the first destination (e.g. China), then ask another student to choose the mode of transportation.

Lip Sync Battle

Lip Sync Battle

Split kids up into pairs or small groups and let them pick a song they love. They must create an.

Music Dress Up

Music Dress Up

This hilarious musical activity has kids pass a bag of random dress-up items around and when the music stops, they.

Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs

A classic camp game where you place chairs in a circle, with the kids lined up around the chairs. Chairs.

Musical Charades

Musical Charades

This is just like regular charades, but all the answers will be song titles. You can ask for suggestions, but.

Musical Creepy Crawlies

Musical Creepy Crawlies

Branching off of the classic game of musical chairs, musical creepy crawlies is a fun way to stretch your limbs.

Musical Hoola Hoops

Musical Hoola Hoops

This is just like regular charades, but all the answers will be song titles. You can ask for suggestions, but.

Musical Keep ‘Em Up

Musical Keep ‘Em Up

Place a music-related task in each balloon before blowing them up. (Think: Crazy dance moves, air guitar or lip syncing.).

Musical Tape

Musical Tape

This is just like musical chairs, but with more versatility and you don’t need chairs! Begin by giving each player.

Name that Tune

Name that Tune

Get the group in a circle or classroom setting. They can play as individuals or teams. Put on a song,.

Paper Bag Skits

Paper Bag Skits

First split your group into teams consisting of three to six members. Give each team a paper bag filled with.

Paper Plate Musical Chairs Mixer

Paper Plate Musical Chairs Mixer

Have paper plates scattered throughout the room. When the music stops, everyone must be touching the plate. If they are.

Rhythm Detective

Rhythm Detective

Campers begin in a circle. A person is chosen to leave the room. A campers in the circle is chosen.

Rhythm Game

Rhythm Game

Everyone is in a circle. One camper closes their eyes or steps out of the room. You point to a.

Ribbon of Sound

Ribbon of Sound

Sit in a circle. One person starts a sound. The next person picks it up and it travels around the.

Share the Groove

Share the Groove

Queue up some music and have your kids stand in a circle. Choose a person to go first and let.

Silly Symphony

Silly Symphony

Each person is to find an object in outside or around camp that makes noise when it is banged or.

Singing Syllables

Singing Syllables

Split campers in two groups. One decides on a famous quote, book, song, play, movie title, etc. like “All’s Well.

Slap, Clap, Snap

Slap, Clap, Snap

Arrange your group into a circle. Give everyone a numbered card from 1- however many people you have, make sure.

Song Endurance

Song Endurance

This game is very simple and can be played with two or more teams. Sometimes this is fun to do.

Space Jump

Space Jump

To play, have several players go to the center of the room, and number them one through five. The rest.

Super Happy Fun Time

Super Happy Fun Time

Explain that in your bucket/bag, you have various objects. Each object means something different as in the students need to.

Tape Ball

Tape Ball

Create a few giant tape balls. Wrap something that the campers might enjoy when they final get to it like.

The Story

The Story

Stand or sit in a circle. Go around the room assigning the name of a person, place or thing to.

Toe Fencing Mixer

Toe Fencing Mixer

Here’s a wild mixer, and if it’s set to music, it looks like a new kind of dance. (great up.

Touch Telephone

Touch Telephone

This game is based on the old telephone game but involves touch rather than hearing. No talking is allowed. Divide.

Village Chief

Village Chief

Everyone sits in a circle, and one person leaves, then one person is selected to be the “Village Chief”. Everyone.

Zip Zap Zop

Zip Zap Zop

The game begins with all participants forming a circle. The first person says, “Zip!,” and then “sends” the word to.


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