In the first variation, one person was “it” (the swatter). The swatter had either a *very* light stick or our favorite, large ferns or skunk cabbage leaves. Everyone would be in a circle around the swatter. The swatter would count “1, 2, 3 go” and everyone would run yelling “swat the fly”. If you were “swatted”, you were out. The first one swatted became the next swatter. The swatter continues to swat until he gives up or can’t catch anyone else. The swatter who swats the most flies wins. In the second variation, usually played with new, unsuspecting kids, you can reverse roles. “It” was the fly and everyone else had swatters. “It” would count “1, 2, 3 go” and then run like heck! Everyone chases “it” until he was swatted. The last one to swat “it” was the next fly. Always use soft things as swatters so no one was hurt from being tagged. Game continues until everyone is tagged.