Divide the group into two teams. Line up the outfield team as you would for a game of baseball. Line up the infield team in a straight line about 15 feet behind home plate, or in safe place near the batter (but not in the playing field). Practice rolling the ball between players’ legs together as a group or as a short relay. The pitcher pitches the kickball to the first player, who hits it with the bat. As the ball rolls to the outfield, the batter runs around his or her team as many times as possible. Meanwhile, the players in the outfield line up behind the player who caught the ball. They all stand one behind the one another with their legs apart. The player who caught the ball rolls it between his or her legs and between the legs of the team. When the last player in line gets the ball, he or she runs to the front of the line and yells “Stop!” and the batter stops running. The hitting team keeps track of how many times the batter completely ran around them, by counting aloud. After three batters, teams switch positions. Play continues until everyone has batted.