Set up three hula hoops to look like Mickey Mouse’s head in the play space. Make sure the hula hoops are touching each other. Put down cones or a marker to designate a place where the waiting campers will line up. One player is behind each hula hoop and the rest of the players are waiting in line. The concept of the game is to bounce the ball in another person’s hula hoop. The ball can only bounce once in any hula hoop. Each player needs to hit the ball with any part of his/her hand into an opposing player’s hula hoop after it has bounced only once in their hula hoop. If the ball lands on a hula hoop, or goes out of bounds before it bounces, the player who hit the ball needs to return to the line for another try. If a player hits the ball and it bounces again in her/his hula hoop, s/he also needs to return to the line. If a player catches or holds the ball, that player needs to return to the line. If the ball bounces more than one time before it is hit into another hula hoop, the player who let the ball bounce needs to return to the line for another try. If the ball is returned before it is allowed to bounce, the player who returned the ball early needs to return to the line. When a student returns to the line, they will be replaced by the next student waiting in line.