The leader says a sequence of activities, some of which are good for the heart, some of which are not. When the leader says an activity that is healthy for the heart, the players all have to run in place (or do another action – add actions as the game goes on, like push-ups, jumping jacks, etc.). If the activity is not healthy, they need to stand still. For example, running, swimming, eating vegetables, and taking vitamins are all healthy for the heart and the players would have to do an action after the leader said one of these actions. Smoking, eating fast food, and watching TV are not good for the heart, so after the leader says one of those actions, the players would stand still. If the leader notices that a player(s) runs after the leader says an unhealthy activity, or doesn’t run after s/he states a healthy activity, don’t address those players directly or call them out. Instead, teach the whole group why the activity is healthy or unhealthy, or ask for a volunteer to state why the activity is healthy or unhealthy, so that the whole group has an understanding of the concept. Then, move on to the next statement.