Fake Out

Designate a rectangular play area large enough to run in. Place cones on each baseline (width). Split group into two teams with each team lined up on opposite baselines. Have cones placed a few feet behind the baseline marking where the single file line should start. Designate one side as the “Taggers” or “Defense” and the other side as the “Fakers” or the “Offense.”  The object is for the “faker” to run past the “tagger” and reach the opposite baseline without getting tagged. The “faker” can move in any direction while making their fakes but must stay within the boundaries. The “tagger” is trying to tag the “faker” with two hands. The first two people in each line begin the game by stepping into the playing area. The play is done when either the “faker” reaches the baseline or is tagged. In either case the players switch lines each time. Make sure the class stays in a single file line a few feet away from the baseline (not across the baseline) so the players do not run into each other.


The Summer Camp Source as seen on