Here are a few kickball variations to spice things up out at the fields and keep your kids engaged with new and fun rules to a game we all know and love.
Backwards Kickball
This is a lot like normal kickball with a bunch of backwards twists. All the bases are backwards. Run to 3rd first, 2nd second, and 1st third. All players on a team get one time up and they get one pitch from their own pitcher. Endless # of outs, just keep going until all players have been up once. No foul balls, everything is fair. No limit to how many people on bases, no force outs. Get someone out by touching ANY base at any time. Any runners between any bases are out. If a ball is caught the runner is out. If a runner is tagged they are out.
Crazy Kickball
On a traditional kickball field, place a large container that can hold many balls at the pitcher’s mound, a hula hoop also works well. Mark the outfield with enough numbers for half the group. The numbers should designate outfield play positions. Positions can be marked with cones or chalk. Do not put positions farther into the outfield than you expect the students to kick. Divide the group into infield and outfield teams and give each child on each team a number. The numbers denote the kicking order and their positions in the outfield. Kickers come up one at a time. They kick the ball into the field and run around the bases continuously for a homerun. Emphasize to the runners that they need to touch each base with their foot. While one kicker runs, the next kicker comes up to home plate and kicks. There are many balls so there can be many runners going around the bases at a time. The fielders retrieve the kicked balls, pass them infield and put them into the container. The fielders are trying to quickly pass the balls infield to keep the container full. Tell the fielders to get the balls that come toward their position and throw them inward to the nearest player until the ball gets back into the container. Have students pass the ball to each other rather than running it all the way back. When the whole kicking team has kicked and run the bases one time, the teams switch.
Kindergarten Kickball
Divide players into 2 teams, kickers and outfielders and place cones all along the baselines in the infield. Coach is all-time pitcher. The outfielders should spread out; their goal is to get the kicked ball back to the pitcher as quickly as possible. There are no outs and no foul balls. The kickers line up and kick one at a time. The pitcher rolls the ball to the kicker and they kick it as hard as they can. Then the kicker runs along the baseline picking up as many cones as possible before the ball is returned to the pitcher. Once the pitcher has the ball, he or she yells “Stop!” to the kicker, and the kicker stops running and collecting cones and returns to home base. The cones collected are placed back at home base in a pile. Then the next kicker kicks and runs along the baseline collecting cones. Kickers can run either direction on the baselines, but cannot run across the pitcher’s mound. The inning is over once all kickers have kicked or if all cones have been collected.
Mountain Ball
This game can be played using home base and second base on a regular kickball field or by using 2 cones for bases in a large area. Demonstrate the two ways a player can get out. Remind players about playing their positions and calling a ball that is coming into their position zone. The object of the game is to kick the ball, run to the base and back home without getting “out.” Have your team score as many points as possible. There are NO foul balls. Players can kick the ball in any direction. One runner on a base at any time. A runner is out when: A fly ball is caught before it bounces, The runner is tagged with the ball, not on a throw. No pegging. On a fly ball base-runner must tag up before going home. Teams switch after one time through the kicking rotation or three outs.
Over-Under Kickball
Set up cones as bases on a traditional kickball field. This game can played with all four bases or two bases. When the ball is pitched, the first student kicks the ball and runs the bases. The runner goes continuously, trying to get around the bases as many times as possible. If you are using two bases the student runs back and forth as many times as possible. The fielders retrieve the ball. Once a fielder gains possession of the ball, his/her teammates run as quickly as possible to line up in single file behind her/him. The ball is then handed over the student’s head to the next person in line. The second person hands the ball through his/her legs (under) to the next person who then hands the ball over her/his head again. The students pass the ball over and under until the last person in line has possession of the ball and yells, “Stop!” At this point, the runner freezes where s/he is and announces how many time s/he made it around to home plate. One point is given for each base s/he has touched. Everyone on the first team gets a chance to kick and then the teams switch sides.
Ultimate Kickball
This game can be played on a regular kickball field or by using 4 cones for bases in a large area. Bases should be large enough to fit multiple players. The object of the game is to kick the ball, run the bases, and touch home without getting out and have your team score as many points as possible. Divide the group into 2 teams. There are no foul balls. Players can kick the ball backwards only if there is a backstop or wall behind home plate. There can be more than one runner on a base at any time. Runners may choose to stay on one base if it is unsafe to run. Runners can pass each other at any time. Runners must return to the previous base if the pitcher has the ball before they are halfway to the next base. Runners can get out when their fly ball is caught before it bounces or if they are tagged while not on a base. Teams switch after one time through the kicking rotation.
Note: This version of kickball works well because it allows the advanced players to run fast through the bases, and the beginning players to take their time and learn the game.